Giáo án 5512 TA 7 Right on 99 CLIL.docx


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School: ………………………………………..


Class: …………………………….....................

Period: 99


CLIL (Page 106)

1. Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

1.1. Language knowledge/ skills

- learn and use some vocabulary: donate, the homeless, elderly, animal shelter, stuffed animals.

- practise reading for gists, cohesion and coherence.

- talk about community service activities.

- improve listening skills and pronunciation.

1.2. Competences

- improve Ss’ communication, collaboration, analytical, research and critical thinking skills.

1.3. Attributes

- become knowledgeable people and build their awareness of protecting environment.

- develop their patriotism, kindness, honesty.

2. Teaching aids and materials

- Teacher’s aids: Student’s book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB – Phần mềm tương tác

trực quan, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.

- Students’ aids: Student’s book, Workbook, Notebook.

3. Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks

Performance Products

Assessment Tools

- List the community service


- Answer the question.

- Fill in the blanks.

- Talk about community

service activities.

- Ss’ answers.

- Ss’ answers.

- Ss’ answers.

- Ss’ answers/ presentation.

- Observation.

- Observation.

- Observation.

- Observation.

4. Procedures

A. Warm up: 5 minutes

a. Objectives: to help Ss brainstorm the topic.

b. Content: Community service activities.

c. Expected outcomes: Ss can brainstorm about the topic.

d. Organization

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Can you tell some community service

activities you took part in?

- Ask Ss to tell some community service

activities they took part in.

- Think about the question and tell some

community service activities they took part
