Giáo án 5512 TA 7 Right on 28 skill 2f.docx


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School: ………………………………………..


Class: …………………………….....................

Period: 28


Skill 2f (Page 38)

1. Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

1.1. Language knowledge/ skills

- learn and use some vocabulary: playing field, race, tie, sack, finish line, headache, excuse.

- practise listening and reading for a gist.

- practise reading for key information.

- give their opinions about school sports day in the UK.

- improve listening skills and pronunciation.

1.2. Competences

- improve Ss’ communication, collaboration, analytical, critical thinking skills.

1.3. Attributes

- have good hobbies and become healthy

- develop Ss’ patriotism, studiousness and accountability.

2. Teaching aids and materials

- Teacher’s aids: Student’s book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB – Phần mềm tương tác

trực quan, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.

- Students’ aids: Student’s book, Workbook, Notebook.

3. Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks

Performance Products

Assessment Tools

- Look at the pictures and answer the


- Read the text again and read the

questions and choose their answers

according to what they read.

- Give and explain their opinions

about the event.

- Ss’ answers.

- Ss’ answers.

- Ss’ answers/ presentation.

- Observation.

- Observation.

- Observation.

4. Procedures

A. Warm up: 5 minutes

a. Objectives: to help Ss have some information about school sports day in the UK.

b. Content: Task 1.

c. Expected outcomes: Ss can think about the topic and know some information about school

sports day in the UK.

d. Organization

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Task 1: Look at the pictures and read the

title of the text. What would you like to

know about school sports day in the UK?

Write two questions.

Listen and read the text. Does it answer your


- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the


- Elicit what Ss would like to know about

school sports day in the UK. Elicit various

- Look at the pictures and answer the


- Listen to and read the text and see if their

questions were answered.